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- 花旗警示
帳戶借記警示2 | 於您的銀行有扣款交易時啟動,不含花旗銀行扣款卡交易及自動提款卡現金提款。為了您的交易安全,此為必要警示項目。舉例來說:當帳戶的支票兌現時。 | 借記交易受理時 |
網上付款與轉帳警示2 | 於透過 Citibank Online 或 Citi Mobile 進行轉帳時啟動。為了您的帳戶安全,此為必要警示項目,且預設金額為 SGD1。 | 即時 |
可經Citibank Online登記接受以下花旗警示。
帳戶信用警示 | 帳戶經財路/支票/行際交易受款時發送。例如:薪水入帳時。 | 信用交易受理時 |
帳戶透支警示 | 帳戶餘額為負數時發送。請登入Citibank Online或撥電本行24小時花旗電話理財服務 +65 6224 5757以增補餘額。 |
次營業日 |
提款機提款警示 | 於透過自動提款機自客戶帳戶提款 SGD 1,000 及以上時啟動。 | 即時 |
支票跳票警示 | 您簽發之支票跳票時發送。 | 次營業日 |
借記卡交易警示 | 於扣款卡出現 SGD 1,000 及以上時啟動。 請登入 www.ipb.citibank.com.sg 依據您的偏好更新此預設金額。最高可設定金額為 SGD 10,000。 |
即時 |
首次支票警示 | 您的帳戶簽發首張支票時發送。 | 次營業日 |
支票退票警示 | 您簽發之支票退票時發送。 | 次營業日 |
每週銀行帳戶餘額 | 您的最新帳戶餘額每週五發送。 | 每週五 |
信用卡與Ready Credit帳戶 | ||
達95%信用額度警示 | 當超過95%信用額度時發送通知。 | 即時 |
信用卡交易警示 | 以信用卡交易SGD 1,000或以上時發送。 請登入www.citibank.com.sg自行更改此預設金額。最高設定為SGD 10,000。 |
即時 |
信用卡/Ready Credit繳款到期警示 | 花旗銀行信用卡/Ready Credit繳款到期日前通知。對帳單到期日七日前發送。 | 對帳單到期日七日前 |
信用卡/Ready Credit繳款收訖警示 | 花旗銀行信用卡/Ready Credit進行繳款後發送。 | 次營業日 |
投資帳戶 | ||
定存信用警示 | 通知定期存款已到期並款項已記入您的花旗銀行支票帳戶或儲蓄帳戶。 | 次營業日 |
定存到期警示 | 定存到期日四日前發送。 | 次營業日 |
一般警示 | ||
臨界值變更警示 | 下列5項警示任一變更臨界金額時發送。此為服務警示,須於Citibank Online啟用此警示。
- 保持最新資料並降低帳戶未經授權交易風險
- 即時接收特定銀行交易警示
- 以電郵和手機簡訊輕易掌握網上與移動銀行活動
- 提款卡帳戶提款與銷售點交易即時通知
請點按 以放大或 以縮小明細。
步驟1:以用戶名和密碼登入Citibank Online
欲更新聯絡資料,請登入Citibank Online辦理,或郵寄本行更新聯絡資料表格。
1 銀行帳戶係指SGD/USD 活期/儲蓄/現金交易帳戶、MaxiSave 帳戶(不含Maxi Save 履行帳戶)、步步高利息帳戶、Tap&Save 帳戶、兒童存款帳戶以及 CitiAccess 帳戶。
2 請注意,為了交易安全,此為必要警示項目,且無論如何皆會寄發一封 email 通知。請注意,線上付款與轉帳警示以及帳戶扣款警示之預設額分別為 SGD 1與 SGD 10,000。
Citi Alerts Terms and Conditions
- I may request to enroll in the Citi Alerts service or Citibank Singapore Limited ("Citibank") may in its absolute discretion provide me with the Citi Alerts service upon such terms and conditions as it may specify.
- I will be notified of each Alert via email and/or SMS to an email address and/or mobile phone number as provided by me. I understand that my receipt of Alerts is subject to my internet and/or mobile phone operator being able to support the service; and the relevant terms and charges of such service provider.
- I accept that each Alert may not be encrypted and may comprise my personal details and information pertaining to my Account(s).
- I accept that Citibank neither guarantees the delivery, accuracy, security, nor confidentiality of the contents of an Alert. I am aware that I must promptly update Citibank of any change to my email address and/or mobile phone number. Citibank shall not be liable to me or anyone else for any losses or damages (except in the case of its gross negligence, willful default or fraud) arising from the Alerts service including but not limited to (a) a non-delivery, delayed delivery, wrong delivery or partial delivery of an Alert; (b) inaccurate contents of an Alert; or (c) my use or reliance on the content of an Alert for any purposes including investment and business purposes.
- Citibank shall be entitled to charge for this service after giving reasonable notice. Citibank reserves the right to refuse or terminate any request by me for an Alert after giving reasonable notice. Citibank shall be entitled to vary the terms and conditions relating to the Alerts service after giving reasonable notice.