


花旗銀行股票連動帳戶為一短期(1至6個月)非保本投資,以賣出選擇權(Put Option)為基礎,賦與銀行權利以基本幣別(進行期初投資之幣別)或標的股票(本金可承購之股票)返還您的本金與利息所得。您的花旗銀行股票連動帳戶部份或全數利息所得代表本行支付您的賣出選擇權權利金。


  • 若您對標的股票之股價走勢觀點正確,享有潛力獲得高於傳統定存的投資報酬。
  • 彈性天期1至6個月。
  • 以預先議定之股價(‘履約價’)投資特定標的股票,並利率因選擇權權利金而得以更高。




  1. 若標的股票閉市價低於履約價,您將以履約價USD10.00實際買入XYZ公司股票(狀況1)。
  2. 若標的股票閉市價等於或高於履約價,您將以美元於到期日加5個交易所營業日回收本金與利息(狀況2)。
  狀況 1 狀況 2
期滿日(到期日3個交易所營業日前) XYZ公司股票閉市價低於履約價(例如:股價自USD10.53下跌至USD9.80) XYZ公司股票閉市價等於或高於履約價(例如:股價自USD10.53下跌至USD10.20)
到期日加5個交易所營業日 利息以美元加XYZ股票2 本息以美元

(USD50,000 x 11.25% x 30/365)
= USD462.33
and 及股票USD50,000/USD10
= 5,000之XYZ公司股票

本金:USD50,000 +

利息:(USD50,000 x 11.25% x 30/365)

= USD50,462.33


您若決定實現損失以市價USD9.80賣出標的股票,則損失 USD1,000
[(5,000 x USD9.80) – USD50,000]

獲利 USD462.33




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  • 只需填妥 表格 ,我們將在盡快與您聯絡。
  • 如果您有進一步的疑問,請點擊 留言。
  • 只需聯繫您的理財經理或致電24小時花旗服務熱綫 +65 6224 5757+65 6224 5757
  • 如果您有進一步的疑問,請點擊 留言。


As with any other investment, there are risks associated with your investment in a Citibank Equity-Linked Account. Structured product transactions are complex and an investment in a structured product may involve a high risk of loss of the investor's initial investment. Unlike bank deposits, Citibank Equity-Linked Accounts are subject to investment risks and potential returns may vary, depending on the Closing Price of the Underlying Share on the Expiry Date (the date on which the closing price of the Underlying Share is compared to the Strike Price to determine the outcome of the Equity-Linked Account).

Early Withdrawal Risk (Early Termination by Investor)

  • Equity-Linked Account is an investment product that should be held to maturity. Early withdrawal of a part of Equity-Linked Account is not permitted. Early withdrawal of the whole of Equity-Linked Account is only allowed with the consent of Citibank. If the Equity-Linked Account is terminated before maturity, early termination charges will be deducted from the amount repaid under the Equity-Linked Account, hence resulting in a loss of the principal.

Potential Return Risk

  • There is no assurance that the potential return of the Equity-Linked Account at maturity will be more than the amount initially invested. Depending on the circumstances, the return on the Equity-Linked Account may be less than returns on a direct investment in the Underlying Share or a regular bank deposit and may even be negative.

Foreign Exchange Risk

  • Where liabilities in one currency are matched by an asset in a different currency, or where the transaction references more than one currency, or where assets are denominated in a currency other than an investor’s reference currency, movements of exchange rates may have a separate effect, both unfavorable and favorable, on any gain or loss otherwise experienced.
  • Investments in ELAs that are not denominated in an investor’s base or home currency (i.e. the currency that the investor ordinarily transacts in, are subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of the Principal Amount if the Principal Amount is converted back to the investor’s base or home currency).

Early Termination by Citibank

  • A general condition of an Equity-Linked Account is that Citibank may, at its discretion, redeem or terminate the Equity-Linked Account prior to maturity by mailing investors a draft payable to the investor for the principal and pro-rated interest. There may be other conditions that affect the value of the Equity-Linked Account and investors should refer to the Equity-Linked Account Agreement and Risk Disclosure Statement for further details.

Event Risk

  • There may be adjustments to the terms of the Equity-Linked Account upon the occurrence of certain events such as market disruption, mergers, nationalisation, insolvency and changes in taxation law.

Leverage Risk

  • Borrowing to fund the establishment of the Equity-Linked Account (leveraging) can have a significant negative impact on the value of and return on the investment. All hypothetical examples given by the bank of the potential performance of the Equity-Linked Account do not take into account the effect of any leveraging. Investors considering leveraging should obtain advice on applicable risks from the leverage provider and/or their financial advisor(s).

Liquidity Risk

  • Investors should be prepared to hold their ELAs until maturity as investors may not be able to liquidate or sell some or all of the ELAs as and when they require or at an amount equal to or more than the amount of capital invested. There is currently no active or liquid secondary trading market for these ELAs and they are not traded on any regulated markets or listed on any exchange. There can be no assurance that any investor will be able to obtain a firm bid price for the ELAs for an amount at which they wish to sell.
  • Investors should expect a rapid decrease in mark to market prices especially after a large coupon payment is made. Purchase of the ELAs should be viewed as a short-term “hold until maturity” investment. Investors are strongly discouraged from using this investment for trading opportunities.

Settlement Risk

  • In the event that the Issuer or counterparty or any agent of them fails to settle the ELA, the investment amount paid by the investor will be credited to the investor's Citibank Singapore Limited account, without liability to the Bank, Citibank, N.A. or any of its affiliates for any interest or for further payment to the investor.
  • Investors should be aware that upon placing an order for the investment to the ELA, the investor's account may be debited the investment amount (and any applicable fees and charges, as specified) and the date of debiting of funds may be on a date that is earlier than the applicable settlement date. With respect to interest/coupon payments, at early redemption or maturity, funds accruing to the investor may be credited to the investor's account on a date subsequent to any stated interest/coupon payment date, early redemption or maturity date. By agreeing to invest in the ELA, investors acknowledge that neither Bank nor Citibank, N.A. or any of its affiliates will be liable to the investor for any interest or compensation otherwise for such authorized debits from the investor's account, or any delayed payment or credit to the investor’s account.
  • At maturity of an ELA in the case when the Bank delivers the Underlying Share, the Underlying Share will be delivered to the investor only after actual receipt and processing by the Bank or any of its nominees or agents, of all necessary documents or securities, as the case may be. This may result in delivery to the investor on a date subsequent to the maturity date specified and neither the Bank nor Citibank N.A. or any of its affiliates will be under any liability to the investor resulting from the delay (including, without imitation, any drop in the market value of the Underlying Share pending delivery).
  • The Bank also has the discretion to pay the investor cash instead of delivering the Underlying Share. The amount of cash payable will be computed based on the closing price of the Underlying Share on the Expiry Date multiplied by the quantity of the Underlying Share to be delivered as stated in this advice. In such a case, the investor will suffer an immediate loss on the Principal Amount.

* The above is only a summary of some of the key risks in investing in the product. Detailed risk disclosures are set out in the documentation relating to the specific product. Prior to entering into a transaction, you should ensure that you have read and understood the nature of all of the risks associated with the investment in order to determine whether the investment is suitable for you in light of your experience, objectives, financial position and other relevant circumstances. You should consult with your legal, regulatory, tax, financial and/or accounting advisors to the extent you consider it necessary in making your own investment decision.


請點擊    擴大,點擊    縮小詳細說明。


  • 看漲標的股票

    您的觀點是很有機會能以現金回收本金與利息,因標的股票於期滿日(Expiry Date,即標的股票閉市價與履約價進行比價以決定花旗銀行股票連動帳戶結果之日)之股價有可能等於或高於履約價。

  • 標的股票股價顯然維持穩定


  • 若某日股價低於履約價導致投資本金之未實現損失,您願接受標的股票以預先議定之履約價進行實體交割。
  • 您願接受到期無保本投資。



  • 當花旗銀行股票連動帳戶履約以申購標的股票並利息所得以基本幣別支付時,可能損失部份本金。
  • 若市場走勢對您不利,您必須有所準備以議定之履約價申購標的股票,在您的花旗銀行股票連動帳戶到期時,此履約價可能較即期股價對您不利。
  • 花旗銀行股票連動帳戶並非銀行存款或花旗銀行新加坡有限公司、花旗銀行、花旗集團、其關係企業或子公司保證之任何其他形式義務。花旗銀行股票連動帳戶並不適用於新加坡存款保險暨保單持有人保障計劃法令2011,亦不符存款保險計劃 下之存款保險保障資格。


在交易日(Transaction Date,即向花旗銀行申辦之日),將本金存入花旗銀行股票連動帳戶。


選擇標的股票並決定花旗銀行股票連動帳戶天期。天期可自1至6個月。天期為起息日(Value Date,即花旗銀行股票連動帳戶期初日)至到期日(Maturity Date,即本金與利息以基本幣別或利息以基本幣別並標的股票返還投資者之日)之日數。






  • 享受無紙化的便利。